Put your best face forward at your next big event with these skin dilemma solutions

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve got a big event on the books that you’ve been anxiously anticipating for weeks. You’ve got your wardrobe planned out and you’re ready to look your best and make an excellent first impression.

Then, the day before your big event, you wake up, stumble to the bathroom, look in the mirror, and to your horror you find that overnight your face has been invaded by a sudden breakout.

What do you do?

Below we’ve compiled some expert advice on how to tackle your most common skin care dilemmas so you can put your best face forward at your next big event.


Help! It’s a few days before my event and my face is breaking out!

It never fails — Breakouts have a sick sense of humor when it comes to timing. If you just have a whitehead or two, don’t worry: Concealer can be your best friend.

For a quick tutorial on the best way to use concealer to cover pimples, check out this video.

Just remember: Don’t try to pop your zits! It’s much harder to try to hide an infected scab than it is to cover up a tiny blemish.

If your breakout is more serious (ie: deep, painful cysts), a trip to your preferred skin care professional might be in order.

We’ve encountered numerous situations in which a bride experiences an active breakout the week of the wedding. For these problematic scenarios an in-office treatment and/or targeted, acne fighting injections can help get the situation under control.

Help! I’m planning on wearing a backless top but I’ve got blemishes on my back!

If you’ve had your eye on a strapless dress or top with a plunging back, the last thing you need is a bacne breakout.

It’s important to note that the skin on the body is different than the skin on your face. It’s thicker, and has more oil glands. What that means for acne on your back is that it’s harder to treat.

For this reason, we believe that a good offense is your best defense. If you have a big event coming up and you’re concerned about bance, we recommend the following 4-step plan:

  1. Always shower immediately after the gym

Bacteria can develop from sweat and trap dirt and oil in your glands. For consistently healthy skin, this best practice is always a smart move.

  1. Clean your back with a loofah or washcloth

Frequent exfoliation will help keep your pores clear of buildup and oil. You can also consider using a product like Veritas Bioactives Flawless Pore Perfecting Polish to manually exfoliate your skin 2-3x per week to keep pores healthy and clean.

  1. Choose your soap wisely

We don’t often advocate for antibacterial soaps as they can be very drying, but in a pinch, these types of formulations, along with body washes containing benzoyl peroxide, will help treat problematic areas on your back and dry up any blemishes.

  1. Tell your hair to back off

Your hair can be a sponge for oil, especially if you’re using oily hair products. Consider temporarily cutting out these products and, when possible, keep your hair up and away from your neck and back to avoid transferring oil from your hair to the pores.


Help! I’ve been stressed about my event and feel like I’m looking worn and aged!

A big event like a wedding or company gathering can certainly amplify your stress hormones. And we all know that stress can be as harmful as any environmental factor when it comes to the health of your skin.

Sticking to a solid skincare regimen that utilizes products with anti-aging properties will help you fight the effects of stress (and aging) so you can enjoy a healthy, youthful glow all year round.

To start, we recommend the following 3 step process as a minimum baseline for your skin care regimen:

Step 1: Cleanse

Quick science lesson: Tiny glands under the skin produce oil called sebum which protects your skin from environmental dangers. Using hair follicles as a pathway, these glands pass the sebum to your skin’s surface to form a protective barrier against bacteria or other harmful agents.

When dirt builds up on the surface of your skin, blockages can occur and trap sebum (along with sweat and dead skin cells). When sebum production is blocked, bacteria can then penetrate your hair follicles causing inflammation, the net result of which is acne.

To properly clean your skin prevent dirt and bacteria buildup, use a product like Veritas Bioactives Flawless Sulfate Free Cleanser to gently exfoliate, purify, and brighten your skin.

Pro Tip: For optimal skin health, make sure that you are choosing a cleanser that is free from the harsh, stripping effects of foaming agents (SLS, SLES).

Step 2: Correct:

Once your cleansing is complete, your next step is to deliver active ingredients – typically via a product known as a “serum” – into your cleansed pores to maintain healthy skin hydration and fight the effects of aging.

Serums typically include a higher concentration of ingredients to penetrate the skin and efficiently target skincare concerns.

While there are many different types of serums on the market, our go to serum is the Veritas Bioactives Iconic C3 Peptide Complex.

What we love about this product is that it combines peptides, plant-based stem cells, and three potent forms of Vitamin-C for to strengthen and improve your skin’s elasticity, while unlocking your skin’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid and collegen!

Step 3: Protect:

The importance of protecting your skin against the harmful rays of the sun can not be overstated. Even during the summer months when the UV rays appear to be at their most bleak, your skin is still susceptible to sun damage (translation: Wear sunscreen year round!).

Our favorite sunscreen is the Veritas Bioactives Honour Ultimate SUN Defense – Not only does it contain naturally potent antioxidants, but its formulation is focused around a high concentration of zinc oxide.

Zinc is one of your skin’s best weapons in the fight against the signs of aging. Not only does zinc defend against damaging free radicals and protects your skin’s lipids and fibroblasts (the cells that make collagen), it also boosts immune function, and can help control your inflammatory response.

To boot, zinc regulates cell production and turnover, and can help reduce the amount of natural oil your skin produces (preventing your pores from clogging in the first place!)


Help! I have sun damaged skin – What can I do?

Often times, concealer can cover up smaller areas of sun damage. But if you’re concerned about larger or more prominent dark spots, laser treatments can help even out your skin tone.

The Venus Versa Photofacial laser treatment targets and then destroys darker pigment most effectively. The treatment is powered by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with SmartPulse™ technology that delivers precise light through several layers of skin. This generates heat when absorbed by the targeted tissue, which corrects imperfections in the skin without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.


Help! My skin looks dull and dry!

As surprising as this may sound, sometimes the easiest way to avoid drying out your skin is to leave it alone. Using harsh astringents or over-washing your face with products that aren’t suited to your particular skin type can strip away natural oils, creating rough patches.

If you have chronically dry areas – the cheeks for example – look for products with ingredients that will brighten the dull skin with alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

If you need results fast, our favorite brightener is the Veritas Bioactives Flawless Brightening Complex. With the help of its bio-mimetic peptides which halt the production of brown pigmentation, in as little as 3 weeks, you can reveal lighter, brighter, and more even looking skin.

And, if you’re a couple of weeks from your big event, using a light chemical peel or getting a Glow Facial (like a powerwash for your skin) will slough off dead skin and improve the texture of your skin.


At Veritas Backstage, our beauty specialists have over 30 years of combined experience in advanced skin care, body contouring, cellulite reduction, and a track record of 5-star customer service.

If you’d like help looking and feeling your best before your next big event, contact us today at 800-954-7590 or request a consultation by booking online.