Sometimes, many of us want to change certain things in our lives. However, whether it’s working out more, eating right, or taking care of your skin, it can be daunting to figure out where to start. At Veritas, we can help when it comes to beauty tips- we are experts! Anyone can follow these 10 easy-to-understand beauty do’s and don’ts to fulfill their beauty and wellness goals.

Tip #1: Do Wear Sunscreen Daily

Wearing a sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 is essential to everyday skin care. This includes overcast days. UV rays are still present when it’s cloudy outside!

Apply sunscreen daily to all areas exposed to the sun. The area can be as small as just your hands (which are exposed to the sun while driving) or as large as your whole body, depending on where you are and your daily activities. Consider trying our Honour: Ultimate DNA Defense SPF 30 sunscreen for the best sun protection.

Tip #2: Do Drink Plenty of Water

You are made up of 60% water. So, naturally consuming a consistent amount of water is vital to replenishing your body. Every system in the body needs water in order to function. Our bodies lose a significant amount of water per day, so that’s why it’s recommended that we drink at least 9 cups everyday.

Water is not only essential to our overall health, it is also important for our skin. Keeping your skin hydrated provides it with a healthy natural glow and bolsters elasticity. Some skeptics will tell you that drinking water has no effect on skin, but this is simply not true. Your skin is an organ made up of skin cells. And, just like all other cells in the body, these skin cells are largely made up of water. If you have to drink water in order to keep other organs healthy, wouldn’t the rule be the same for your skin?

Tip #3: Don’t Wear Makeup to Bed

Say it with us: “I will remove my makeup every night before I go to sleep”. Say it however many times you need to in order for the mantra to stick.

There is almost nothing worse for your skin than wearing pore clogging makeup all night. More often than not, you’ll wake up with an already formed breakout or one that is on the horizon.

If this is something that you forget to do regularly- you know, those nights where you remember when you’re already in the comfort of your bed- consider keeping some makeup wipes in your nightstand. That way, when you get that panic inducing jolt of remembrance, all you have to do is reach a few feet over for a remedy.

Tip #4: Do Exfoliate Daily

Regular exfoliation rids the skin of the dead layers on its surface- these dead skin cells cause the skin to look dull or discolored. Exfoliating revitalizes the skin, bringing out its natural glow. There are several types of exfoliants, so whether you are suffering from dry, sensitive, or oily skin, there is one for you!

May we recommend one of our most popular products, the Iconic: Corrective Cleanser. This cleanser rapidly increases cellular turnover rate (which is responsible for preventing dead skin cells from building up) which leads to a more youthful complexion. The natural sugarcane-derived lactic acid present in this cleanser gently exfoliates, smooths, and refines skin- ridding it of wrinkles- while increasing the skin’s ability to retain water.

Tip #5: Don’t Skimp on Sleep

In the night while we sleep, our body repairs, replaces, and revitalizes. If you don’t get at least 7-9 hours of beauty sleep per night, not only will it affect your physical appearance but your performance as well.

Getting enough sleep will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and puffy eyes as well as restore glowing complexion and healthier hair growth.

Tip #6: Don’t Expect Miracles

It’s important to keep your goals realistic. When using any product, keep in mind that they are not miracle workers. These products are meant to help aid, not be magical answers to issues (wouldn’t that be nice?). Any change requires commitment- it’s no different when it comes to your beauty and wellness. So stick with it, ask questions (even if you’re asking Google- just be sure the answers you find are verifiable), and you will see results!

Tip #7: Do Take Care of Yourself

Beauty starts from within. It’s important to your beauty and overall health to take care of your body by being active, sleeping right, and eating clean.

You can add natural supplements to your diet that can aid and rejuvenate your skin; these supplements include Omegas 3,6, and 9 as well as Vitamins A, C, and E. Low fat foods such as blueberries, salmon, mangos, and spinach will also help boost your skin’s appearance, making it look brighter and healthier.

If you don’t make an effort to take care of yourself, it will definitely show in your appearance.

Tip #8: Don’t Overuse Styling Tools

Use tools like hairdryers, curling and straightening irons sparingly. These styling tools have the tendency to damage your hair- making it dry and brittle, causing breakage, as well as reducing shine. If you must use these tools, set the heat to the lowest possible setting (or cold for hairdryers) to dry and style your hair.

Tip #9: Don’t be Afraid of Color

Spring is on its way and that means the season of color! Get into the mindset now that color is good and it should be incorporated into your look.

Whether you choose to incorporate it into your wardrobe or with your makeup, go bold with color! That being said, going bold doesn’t mean going overboard. Just add a pop of color to your makeup or outfit and you will have no problem standing out!

Tip #10: Do Use a Muslin Cloth

This luxuriously soft woven cotton cloth is the best fabric to use to exfoliate your face. Muslin cloths offer a gentle clean way to exfoliate ultra-sensitive skin, like that of the face.

Still Feeling Overwhelmed?

Hopefully these 10 beauty do’s and don’ts will get you started on your beauty journey. However, we understand that the beauty world can be an overwhelming place full of many options, but rest assured we are here to help! Send us an email ( or give us a call at (800) 954-7590 and we’ll be happy to answer any and all of your beauty questions.